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1st Godmanchester Brownies


Welcome to page
Our pack was registered in June 1949 and would be pleased to hear from anyone who has been a Brownie in this pack the past.
You are visitor number22971

Promise Badge
This is the promise badge all Brownies in this country wear. Other sections in the UK have the same badge just different colours. Rainbows have pale blue, Guides are royal blue, Rangers are aqua, Young Leaders are white, Guiders have navy blue and The Trefoil Guild have red. Brownies get their Promise Badge when they make their Promise 4 - 6 weeks after they have started Brownies.

Our Favorite Things To Do
We like to help people and do a good turn everyday.

Some of our favourite activities.

We like to try a lot of new activities and make new friends.


Updated 27th September 2004